March 21, 2023

The first three steps of a good Pega project

Today, more and more organizations are working with development platforms that make development faster and more accessible, such as the Pega platform. The Pega platform is growing tremendously in popularity, but working with Pega requires attention. It is an enterprise case management platform that works with specific architecture issues and terminology and proprietary roles. Successfully completing an initial project is crucial, but just such an initial project can present challenges. There are seven core activities required to ensure a good start to your Pega project. In this blog, we take you through the first steps: from defining your business goals and project deliverables to defining your customer journey.

Step 1: Determine business goals and project deliverables

A good start to a Pega project begins with defining the business goals and project deliverables. But why is this so important? Taking the business vision and goals as a starting point is critical because Pega is an enterprise case management platform deployed to support business transformation. By defining the business goals and outcomes, you will know what needs to be accomplished and how it contributes to the success of your organization. It is important to define project outcomes as specifically as possible and determine how they will be measured. This will ensure that your project meets the set goals and you can make timely adjustments if necessary. It is also advisable to prepare a business case so that you can compare the costs of the project with the expected benefits.

Understanding the business context down to the smallest details helps make day-to-day decisions and ensures that the entire team is aware of the project’s goals and results. This allows you to work together as a team to achieve the set goals and results.

Step 2: Assemble the best team

For a successful Pega project, it is important to assemble the right team. Select the right people for the different roles and make sure they fit the organization in terms of culture, collaboration and communication. Make sure the team is well-filled from the beginning, with key players who are in the lead on a particular topic or aspect and can make sound choices. Key roles within Pega projects include the Pega Business Architect, the Product Owner, the Solution Architect and the Pega Lead System Architect. Make sure these roles are filled by capable people who fit your organization. The team is expanded during the project to include developers and testers. The Pega development team requires CSSA certification, but experience is just as important. Therefore, have a few SSAs with at least three to four years of experience on the team.

Step 3: Define the customer journey

An important aspect of working with Pega is focusing on the customer journey. Here, it is essential to properly map out the customer journey through the organization. However, there is often a lack of proper capture and alignment of these processes. Therefore, it is crucial to work out and live through the customer journeys with the key players and key stakeholders. Also involve the Lead System Architect to properly understand the functional context and assess the impact of the requested functionality. It is important to start with simple customer-journeys to gain experience and later realize the more complex journeys.

In the next blog, we will elaborate on the next steps: from identifying process optimization opportunities to setting up a governance structure. This is how to ensure step by step that your Pega project is a success! Want to read more about the next four steps? You can do so here!

Want to know more?

Want to know about all seven steps right now? Are you considering getting started with the Pega platform, but don’t know how? Are you already working on a Pega project and not really running smoothly? Then download our white paper now. It can help you take the right steps and avoid pitfalls so that you will have a successful implementation. Don’t hesitate to contact our Pega experts if you still have questions or need support with your Pega project.


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